While in still treatment for round four of amoebas, yesterday I received a positive test result for dengue. Symptoms started a couple days ago: a headache to rival all others, fall-down dizziness, fever and chills, all over body pain, a complete loss of appetite, diarrhea, and a general lethargy. Initially I thought I was just a wimp or maybe amoebas aone bazzurk. But eventually I cashed in all my toughness and went to the doctor, where he said that he thought I had a problem with my ears. Really, my ears. He sent me to the lab for a blood count. Suspecting something else, I asked the lab to also run a test for dengue. While waiting for the test results, I was given a couple IVs, one with meds to raise my low blood pressure and the other with painkillers. Three hours later I picked up my result. Prueba de Dengue: Reaccion Positiva (IGGe IGM). Despite the positive dengue result, other aspects of my health are improving. I noticed from the blood count I am no longer anemic, so yeah for that. The doctor says I will have another 3-4 days of symptoms before the mosquito-transmitted virus finishes running its course. But at least now I have drugs: a daily shot in the butt with an anti-viral (painful enough on its own right to cause me to change my sleeping position of preference), painkillers, and drops to keep my blood pressure up.
In regards to royalty, I was in Panama City last weekend for a medical visit (oddly enough unrelated to amoebas or dengue) and on my return I spent a day hanging out with my host family from training in Santa Clara. Unknowingly to me, my trip would coincide with my host mom being crowned queen of the senior citizens society. It was a full day of activity with cooking, decorating, and cleaning. I filled in where possible and snapped pictures between deboning chicken and blowing up balloons.
Life back in my community is going great. I am super excited (amidst my dengue-induced lethargy) to get back and see how progress is going on my house (they’ve been working on it in my absence… amazing) and get back to work with the most amazing folks Panama has to offer. Ugh, I know I have been reprimanded lately for a lack details in my entries, but I feel a crazy headache returning.
Watch out for the day feeding Panamanian mosquitos! Hasta luego!